Day 14

Today was our last day and we only needed 2 hours. Since it was the last day you know I had to get my one rep max on barbell bench. Previously, my 1 rep max was 305 and I got this just before senior project and my goal was to beat the school record held by Simon Potter which was 315 so this mean I needed to get 320 lbs. 15 pounds in increase in only about 2 weeks is almost impossible. Before I threw on 320 pounds I had to warm up my back shoulders and chest. I did some lat pulldowns, I didn't do anything heavy because I was just trying to warm up. Then I did some shoulder pulls with a band and did wrist curls. I was feeling really good today. I started off with 135 x 10. Then 225x3, 275x1 and then I threw on 3 plates or 315. I got 315 up fairly easily and was a little nervous now that I was going for 320. Jack Fick was my spotter I gave him the count down for a lift-off 3 2 1 and before you know it I got 320. 

Hours 2

Total 55


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