Day 9

Today was the Lakes Region Championship for golf, so I didn't want to hit upper body and be sore during it. So I thought it was smart to hit legs today. I started off on the turf strip where I did some mobility. before mobility, I rolled out and got my muscles loose. I did my usual hip mobility stretches where I followed along with a YouTube video. this is mostly stretches but also some movements that help warm up the muscles in my hip area. Then I did some band work where I focused on my hip flexors, which are super tight due to injuries in the past. After that, I went into the weight room and did some back squats. I went pretty heavy but not too heavy. I did 5-8 reps for 4 working sets. then after that, I did lunges with the barbell. I went really heavy on these with 3-5 reps for each leg and for 5 sets. Then I hopped on the hamstring curl machine and did some sled pushes. 

Hours 3

Total 37


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